API Management as a Service

Kong Community Edition on Steroids

API's run everything. Kong runs API's. Dynalight runs Kong.

APIs are the building blocks of modern applications, making up 80% of internet traffic. Take control of these connections across any environment with Kong. Kong helps you stay ahead of customer demand (and the competition) and deliver fast, reliable, secure digital
experiences. With Dynalight you have all the benefits of Kong Community Edition, the advantages of the Dynalight extras plus full support across design, implementation and operations. 

Why SaaS is great idea for API Management

Software as a service (SaaS) is the most commonly used option for businesses in the cloud market. The reason? It’s easily accessible – all you need is an internet connection and a browser – and it’s hands-off. The SaaS delivery model requires vendors to manage all the technical issues – meaning customers don’t need to lean on their in-house IT expertise.

As businesses become more comfortable operating in the cloud, SaaS solutions are becoming more popular. While many end users can self-provision SaaS technology on their own, others find that they need a third party to help with integration, customization and security.

SaaS offers organizations several advantages, namely in flexibility and savings. When SaaS vendors manage the tedious tasks like installing, managing and updating software, employees can focus on other priorities.

Our clients tell us, that from their point of view, the most important benefits of using a SaaS based API Management System are:

  • No need to worry about finding the right technical staff and retaining them
  • No nasty financial surprises, clear pricing model
  • No need to reinvent the wheel, we can focus on using API’s and not on how we manage them
  • It grows with our business


This last bullet point is extremely important as the percentage of total Internet traffic related to API’s will continue to increase dramatically over the coming years. This is the result of a growing number of people with access to the internet, more traffic coming from mobile applications, more applications becoming API driven, the rollout of 5G networks and, last but not least, IOT related traffic.

The graph on the left is showing a prediction of the evolution in total Internet traffic between 2020 and 2030 broken down into Machine to Machine traffic and ‘Normal’ traffic. As you can see both traffic types are expected to grow tremendously. Already today, more than 60% of all Internet traffic is driven by API’s.

When you look at these numbers, it is clear that scalability is going to crucial when it comes to API Management. With the increase in traffic comes an increase in security threats. This means that countermeasures will need to be implemented will further increase the resource utilisation of the API Management infrastructure.

With the increase in API usage also comes an increase of the importance of API’s for revenue generation. Because of this every disruption will immediately cost money. This makes API Management Business Critical.

We would love to explain you how we manage over 2 Billion requests per Month for a single customer

So, why not let us reach out to schedule a call?